
The purpose of this document is to serve as a guide to conduct the ACISAP consultant when it is responsible for supporting the user.

Deal with the User

When the client / user approaches the consultant with a problem, it should be considered by us as an opportunity to establish a relationship with him, ensuring that he is satisfied. The steps to follow should be the following:

  • Receive it cordially.
  • Reassure the user
  • Show her politeness and kindness.
  • Understand that your presence does not bother you.

Make him notice your interest in attending him. We have to use our empathy: it is about the ability we have to make our own an alien reality, that is, to get emotionally and emotionally placed in the point of view of another.

Listen to him with interest, do not argue.

It invites the claimant to state "his case". Listen to him without interrupting him. A crisis provokes exacerbated emotions that range from nervousness to fear. And you know that in an emotional situation, people become more sensitive and you never know how they will react to something unexpected and serious.

Do not object to anything I say, even if I am wrong or exaggerate. Do not place yourself in the opposite situation. In any case, if the client says something is wrong, you have to verify it before telling him that he is not right. Sometimes what is denied or excluded is more important than what is affirmed.

If the claimant is shy, encourage him to talk and ask him if necessary.

At the end of his story he will have calmed down, if he was upset. It goes without saying that you should not discuss among yourselves in front of the client. If one thinks that the best way to solve it is the A and the other the B should not be discussed in the presence of the client, because an image is projected that we do not have clear ideas. The same applies to the meetings we have with the client. Nor is it appropriate to say that this belongs to the MM module or the SD module. For the user it is a unique system and does not understand those differences.

Try to find out about the case.

You must ask a question to clarify the points that you have not understood. For example: "Now let me see if I have understood your case, you say ... is not that? Or also ... could you explain such a thing to me? "

The claimant will be convinced at the end that you have been well aware of their problem and, above all, interested.

Avoid making hasty decisions.

Do not establish conclusions before you have all the necessary information. You must think that we have known "the story" only from the claimant's point of view.

You have to take the time to study the case well. It is possible that for the user it is an urgent problem to solve but that in itself, the problem is not important.

Search the complete information.

  • Investigate the case.
  • Ask other people for advice: colleagues of yours who perform similar tasks or consultants.
  • Review procedures, situations and similar cases, etc.
  • Check the existing documentation, especially on the ACISAP website.
  • Do not hesitate to consult with ACISAP colleagues.
  • Judge the consequences of your possible decision.
  • Eliminate any idea of ​​bias and precipitation.
  • Calculate how it will influence the future behavior of the claimant / user and the attitude that others will take. For example, manage a profile change.
  • Communicate your decision. - Make it clear that you have studied the result well.
  • Explain the reasons (rules, requested by another client and facts) that support your decision, favorable or unfavorable for him, so that he understands that it is not the fruit of a whim. The attitude of superiority disturbs the dialogue and a persuasive attitude creates suspicion.
  • Kiss him kindly, telling him that he will always find you willing to help him.

Points to consider

If you talk about something you do not know or that you do not have complete control of it, the attitude to be taken is to be cautious, you can say: "I am not responsible for modifying this functionality, but I would love to take into consideration any improvement you / you want to suggest and expose it to the people in charge ".

What you can never say is: "This is wearing so-and-so but he's on vacation or very busy." That the user does not think that he can only solve the problem so-and-so. The one who should solve the problem is the consultant of the company and if so-and-so is not to find the partner able to take charge of the problem or contact your immediate superior.

If you are approached by a user with a problem that is pressing for him, and he asks you how to solve it; First of all it is to know well of the problem in spite of lacking knowledge about the subject. To get out of trouble, two things must be done:

"I am informed and either I or another partner will be in contact with you / You. as soon as possible to resolve the incident. "

"If this is not covered in the user manual, you have to modify it, so we'll get to it right away." What the user can never promise is that the current functionality will be changed because this depends on the responsible user, who may not be the requester and the people in charge of the parameterization.

If what the user reports is due to an error attributable to a partner, you should never speak ill of him. We are all in the same boat and we give very bad image talking badly about a partner, or a group of them, the same can be said if we speak ill of the company that has outsourced us.

At this point it is important to note that if any support person makes a mistake, do not try to hide it from your superiors and colleagues because it is possible that over time the problem becomes complicated and if the user asks the person in charge of the consultant and they are unaware of the problem, It will show lack of coordination and lack of interest on our part before the client.

It is also worth noting that before sharing information about a sensitive process with users, it may be necessary to communicate it first to the user responsible for those users. Another critical point is when the client insists on participating in a task that is not your responsibility or have the ability. You can answer something like this: "I would have liked to help, but unfortunately, I could never have given you the time or the necessary attention".

Many crises are predictable. You will save yourself trouble, time, effort and if you have ready a small support system or a script on how to act in case it occurs, hence the importance of listing how to resolve incidents and FAQ questions.

You have to have the scheme well at hand and check it periodically. Finally, our goal should be to solve the problem, and not show off. If we do it well, the rest will be filmed.