You have to leave the classroom ready the afternoon before and prove that everything works properly: computers, projector, software, network connection, users, passwords, paper surveys ... Take care of the sound especially if there is a microphone. Verify that the entire audience can hear you. A planning must be done.

If the class is 50 minutes: introduction: 5; exposition 40 and conclusions: 5. We must attract and maintain attention. They should be prepared: questions, anecdotes, pauses of the voice, audiovisual media. You should avoid improvisation and reciting from memory.

Therefore, the session should be prepared in advance. You have to be prepared and do the cases yourself before teaching them in the classroom. If we are going to use transparencies (slights), remember that in this case they are not for the teacher, but for the student. They serve to facilitate the understanding of what has been taught. Large letters are used, at most 10 lines, although the optimum seems to be 6 lines. Blue and black to write, red to highlight. You have to take care of the first impression. The first session in this sense is the most important. They say that good speakers have nothing to distract attention.


Do not go around the bush and avoid ambiguities and evasions because that could mask the real message. As Russell said: Do not hide the truth because it ends up appearing. There is no reasoning that although it is good, being long it seems. It is necessary to have brevity in the reasoning, and to be level, that all affectation is bad. Come on, we do not have to practice Valdano. The years of teaching teach that the simplicity of ideas and the repetition of the message are the best guarantee of an efficient transmission of knowledge. Use short phrases and simple words that express ideas clearly. The enthusiasm with which we face the work is also important. It is transmitted.

If you know the routes that lead to the error, identify them. You have to be frank and honest, show the users where the quicksand is. Indicate the potential routes of failure, what not to do, but do not say what must be done in all cases because each user in certain processes can work in a certain way that for him, is the best. In these cases you would have to say: do it as you see fit, but I'll tell you how I would do it. A tip: Going smart by life is not seem. Avoid preferences: maintain a correct, firm and cordial attitude toward the class. The excess of confidence causes the instructor to tilt towards the most sympathetic or the most solid aunt, who perhaps does not possess other qualities. This gives a deplorable impression on the rest of the audience.

During the talk, drink water to clarify your voice. If there are many people to not get nervous, look at the back of the room. Speak a little more slowly and higher than in a normal conversation. And vocalize.

It is good to use your hands to emphasize. If they interrupt you: the comments later, please and continue.

If you stumble with falling result: "whenever I give a talk this happens to me".

Relax: it is good to perform a relaxation exercise before the meeting to control nerves. Think positive: you know more than anyone about that topic. No one is going to judge you, just listen to what you have to say. Besides, the public does not know if I'm nervous: that's only appreciated by you and by those who know you well.


I greet and introduce myself to the class. Even put the name. Also write title (on the board, brief and clear). This way the students will see you more accessible. You must remember that you can ask us who we are from. We must identify ourselves as the client's staff, the consultant or who have told us in advance The first contact with your students is essential. Present yourself and the object of the course with brilliance. You must try to know the name of your students from the beginning. In the case of many, obviously not. first name. You have to try it because they will see you as closer If you can receive all the students giving them their hands and with a smile, well, better.


Indicates some aspects about the facilities, where the toilet is, water, etc. Make clear the schedule and duration of the course as well as times for breakfast and lunch. If you can, limit your Internet connection, use it only during breaks.


Keep in mind that initially the level of attention is high. So, at the beginning, you have to say the most important thing to get attention. The end is used to summarize what has been seen taking advantage of the rise in attention. The average time is activated with questions, anecdotes ... It is not didactic to put two hours in a row of the same, also for you since it is difficult to prepare it. -Define objectives. The student must know the objective of each lesson, as well as the relationship it has with other parts of the subject that is explained and with the entire period of instruction. In the introduction of each lesson you should emphasize the purpose and what users are expected to learn. Learning things in a fragmentary way is very difficult. The fact that they know what they are going to learn, why they have to learn it and what is expected of them is important. The presentation should take a schematic form, should be clear and supported in specific cases. -Create interest You have to catch up with the students. It is more teacher who teaches a lot, not the one who knows a lot. The level of the teacher is put by the students. It is not going to be the same to explain a process in SAP to users who have experience with the tool than to users who have not seen SAP in their life. It is not good to give many ideas in a hurry: If the recipient gets too much information, it can be an obstacle to communication. There are tricks to keep the interest: Anecdotes, jokes, jokes: Start the exhibition with a funny story relaxes the spirits and guarantees the attention of the public. A real testimony. Break the exhibition by telling your own or someone else's experience. A pause a little longer than usual. This way you will achieve that the distracted ones reconnect. A rhetorical question. Data, statistics, references, quotes, press clippings. They animate the talk and give more weight to your words.
A walk among the students is another option
Student cooperation Healthy rivalry between groups should be encouraged, but not individual. The way to achieve greater successes is to organize groups for competitions. Care must be taken not to alter the equipment created. Use the technique of the question: it must be thrown into the air, a time is left, and then the person is pointed out. Otherwise, the others lose interest. Another option is to divert the question they ask you: Very good question! Who knows here? Inspire confidence answering question or recognizing with nobility that at that moment ignores the answer with certainty, that you do not remember it or that you should review your notes but that you will answer it in the next session or by e-mail. It is not necessary to answer, as a general rule, questions that only interest a student; this student is personally attended to at another time; answer the questions that affect or interest the group as a whole. In short, the steps to be taken are the following: Presentation: - The most important ideas are written to be developed. - The exercises that are going to be done are shown. Practical teaching: 1. The teacher does it and explains everything perfectly to the students. Complete the entire process.2. The teacher repeats the first step. 3. A student repeats the process. First ask yourself and then indicate who does it. Application: - Practical lesson: The whole class applies it: The best way to do one thing is to do it. Summary: - A summary of everything seen so far is made. - If transparencies are used, they are replaced. - Examination test: to know if the student has assimilated the choice. That they correct themselves is a good option.


Make sure that all users fill in the satisfaction questionnaires at the end of the course. If you do not use satisfaction questionnaires, consider using them since they will allow you to improve. In the ACISAP documentation you will find a good form. Try to have the printed attendance certificates for the last day, at the end of the course the signatures and the deliveries to each student, giving them a hand and thanking them for their attendance.

This information has been prepared by Enrique Bravo