- The best financial products: mortgages, deposits, loans ... --> http://www.turanking.es/
- The best products on the market --> http://www.fotosok.com/compralomejor/index.htm
- Financial information. Ranking of financial products --> http://www.rankia.com
- Skip the firewall of client companies that do not allow access to certain pages --> http://www.letmypeoplebrowse.com
- Currency converter --> http://www.xe.com/ucc/
- Search of postal and street codes of Spain --> http://www.meguias.com/cp
- Address Finder around the world --> http://www.addressdoctor.com/
- Computer Crimes --> http://www.delitosinformaticos.com/
- Image bank --> https://pixabay.com/
- Download programs --> http://www.download.com / http://www.softonic.com
- Comments about companies, especially consultants. Not always unbiased and objective --> http://www.trabajobasura.info/
- Best Spanish page about the Scorecard --> http://www.cuadrodemando.unizar.es/
- Ministry of Labor news blog about the self-employed --> http://www.mtas.es/es/empleo/economia-soc/autonomos/noticias.htm
- Page of the Ministry of Labor with data on self-employed workers and cooperatives --> http://empleo.mtas.es/es/sec_trabajo/autonomos.htm
- Page of the Ministry of Industry on business creation --> http://www.ipyme.org/es-ES/CreacionEnterprises/Paginas/CreaciónEmpresas.aspx
- Reports of free companies. Up to five free --> http://www.einforma.com
- Search for people. To search for candidates or information about ourselves that we can collect on the web --> http://www.dateas.com/
- Computer Technicians Association --> http://www.ati.es/
- Internet Users Association --> http://www.aui.es/
- Spanish Association of Consulting Firms --> http://www.consultoras.org/frontend/aec/base.php
- Association of young entrepreneurs of Madrid --> http://www.ajemad.es