ACISAP Barometer 2018: SAP Consulting

The purpose of this ACISAP barometer is to help the knowledge of the situation and the environment of the SAP Consultant in Spain and to know their expectations regarding the immediate future.

We deal with those aspects that we consider to have the greatest impact from the perspective of the consultant in his work performance:

  • Rates
  • Type of Contract
  • Coverages
  • Facilities to Develop Work

  • To do this, we annually collect a statement of opinion from senior SAP consultants throughout the country and we share the results with all of you.
    We hope this information is useful for you. Do not hesitate to send us any questions.

    To see the barometer information go to the PDF:

    PDF document ACISAP Barometer

    To see the blog of the barometer, this is the following URL: